Photographs Incorporated was formed as a distinct platform for photographic practice. Its aim is to promote the medium of photography and its resulting object - the photograph, through the representation of exceptional limited-edition prints, print sets, and portfolios.

We seek to engage both the beginning and established collector with unique offerings of original and compelling work by a varied yet connected range of artists; adding to the evolving field of presenting collectable contemporary photography.

Photographs Incorporated was founded in 2020 by Michael Mulno as a hybrid structure, with the premise of bringing further attention and support to a range of outstanding work being produced in both the Southern California region and beyond.

For the past two decades he has worked for several AIPAD photography galleries and dealers on special projects, as well as organized numerous solo and group exhibitions and art fairs. Mulno earned a Master of Fine Arts from the Massachusetts College of Art and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Arizona State University, where he studied both the practice of photography and its history.